Hubdoc announces the Top 50 Cloud Accountants of 2018

Celebrating advisors who work to empower small businesses has always been a shared passion of Xero and Hubdoc, as highlighted by Hubdoc’s recently announced Top 50 Cloud Accountants of 2018 in North America and Australia, and Xero’s soon to be announced 2018 Xero Awards.
Our annual Hubdoc Top 50 lists recognize advisors who have adopted cloud accounting technology to deliver amazing client experiences. 2018 marks the fifth year that we’ve released our Top 50 list in North America, and the third year we’ve released the list in Australia.
This year, we received hundreds of applications from firms interested in being selected for the list. Many applications included incredible stories showcasing how advisors are transforming small business owners’ lives with the help of cloud technology. Applicants shared how they were able to help clients grow their businesses, save money, take more vacation time, run for government office, and so much more.
I want to first extend a special thank you to everyone who took the time to apply – we are truly inspired by the work that you do to empower small businesses!
Congratulations to our Top 50 Cloud Accountants of 2018 in North America and Australia! Please join us in a virtual round of applause for the Xero partners selected for our 2018 lists (included below).
North America
Christina Garza, Accountingprose.com, @Accountingprose
Kenji Kuramoto and Matthew May, Acuity, @acuity_co
Rafael Alvarez, Arthur Garcia, and Joel Lacayo, ATAX Franchise Inc, @ATAX_Franchise
Mindy Levy and Michael Levy, Bean Counter 4 Hire, LLC, @BeanCounter4All
Cindy Hovig, Beyond Balanced Books @Bbbooksinc
Nicholas Pasquarosa, Bookkeeping360, @bookkeeper360
Jelena Arkula, Books LA, @BooksLA
Jag Bath, Capex CPA, @CapexCPA
Patti Scharf, Scott Scharf, Catching Clouds LLC, @catchingclouds
Lior Zehtser and Mike Pinkus, ConnectCPA LLP, @Connect_CPA
Andrew Wall and George Wall, CPA4IT Professional Corporation, @cpa4it_ca
Marvin Galang, Double Rule LLC, @DoubleRule
Aaron Berson, EisnerAmper LLP, @eisneramper
David Emmerman, Emmerman, Boyle & Associates, LLC, @emmermanboyle
Helina Patience, Entreflow Consulting Group, @Entreflow
David DiNardo, Envolta Accounting Inc.
Cecilia Gordillo and Natasha McLaren-Doerr, Flow CPA, @FLOWCPA
Shelly Lingor, GCT Technology & Accounting, @GCTAccounting
Allison Hawkins and Jules Hawkins, Hawkins and Co. Accounting, @HawkinsCoAcct
Bruce Phillips and Alexandra Jumper, HPC Technology Group & HPC CPA, now part of Aprio, @hpccpa
Chad Davis and Josh Zweig, LiveCA LLP, @liveCA
Jennie Moore and Brian Moore, Moore Details Inc., @mooredetailsinc
Carrie Mulrooney, Mulrooney & Associates Incorporated, @Mulrooney_
Sherrel Martin, Nitram Financial Solutions, @nitramfinancial
Peter Holtz, Peter Holtz CPA, @peterholtzcpa
Tate Henshaw, Polay + Clark, @polayclark
Andy Clark, Teed Saunders Doyle, @teedsaunders
Marilyn Parham, The Bottom Line CPA, @thebttmlinecpa
Eric Saumure and Colin Robinson, Zenbooks
Kirsten Forrester, Accounting for Good
Matt Sharwood and Erin Roughley, Advise Accountants, @AdviseHQ
Aly Garrett, Lee Duffield, and Linda Rasmussen, All In Advisory, @AllInAdvisory
Jo Doye, Alluvia Financial, @alluviafinance
Rebecca Mihalic and James Solomons, Aptus Accounting & Advisory, @aptusaa
Denise Twigger, Bas and Balances Bookkeeping Services, @basnbalances
Meryl Johnston and Wayne Richard, Bean Ninjas, @BeanNinjas
Allison Gardiner, Carbon Group, @CarbonGroup_
Jane Pollard, Catalyst Accounting & Tax, @catalystacc
Chris Beavis, Chieftains Accountants, @ChieftainsAcc
Sarah Parkinson, Diverse Business Consultants
Chad Legh, Amanda Egan, Jason Crofts, Essentia Partners
Paolo Coniglio, Evolution Cloud Accounting, @Evolution_Cloud
Ian Shaw, Extrado Accountants & Advisors, @extrador_au
Stuart Reynolds and Paul Silkman, Fullstack Advisory
Kelli Beauchamp, Go Figured Bookkeeping
Steph Hinds, Growthwise, @growthwise
Lyn Ho, GS&T Accounts
Stacey Price, Healthy Business Finances Group @loveyournumbers
Sarah Lawrence, Hot Toast, @HottoastCFO
Andrew Van De Beek, Illumin8, @illumin8prtnrs
Cassandra Scott, Laurus Bookkeeping, @laurusbookkeep
Christopher Tinta, Link Advisors,
Kylie Parker, Lotus Accountants, @lotusaccts
Canio Muscillo and Michele Romano, Muscillo Romano
Noel Tiufino, My Accounts, @my_accounts
Reuben Bergola, New Wave Accounting & Business Advisory, @NewWaveGC
Shaun Farrugia, Optimised Accounting, @optimisedacc
Peter McCarthy and Kelly Eke, Precision Taxation Accounting & Management, @PTAandM
Katie Bryan, Propeller Advisory, @Propelleradv
Shamir Gadani, Prosperity Advisers, @ProsperityAG
Jonathan Teiffel, Quantum Advisory, @Quantum_Adv
Debbie Demooy, Rad Bookkeeping & Business Solutions, @Radbookkeeping
Jason Robinson, Greg Bramich, Jonathan Kane, and Anthony Turner, RBK Advisory, @RBKadvisory
Jade Hendriks, Rubycube Consulting, @RCConsulting_
Nicole Lynch and Monika Stelzner, Streamline Management Australia Pty Ltd, @StreamlineAccts
Mark Lawry, Daniel Riley, and Brent West, Suntax, @SuntaxAustralia
Emma Piccione, The Accounting Division Pty Ltd
Greg Dennis, The Orbit Group, @Orbit_Accounts
Dale Trickett, The Poole Group, @poole_group
Rouli van der Linde, Thrive Advisors, @AdvisorsThrive
Marrianne Parkes, Timewise Financial Solutions, @timewiseFinanci
Natalie Lennon, Two Sides Accounting, @twosidesatc
Nick Hill and Andrew Walker, Walker Hill Chartered Accountants
Michael Renton and Suzanne Faulkner, Xact Accounting, @XactAccount
Michael Kirby, XO Accounting, @XOAccounting
The post Hubdoc announces the Top 50 Cloud Accountants of 2018 appeared first on Xero Blog.
Source: Xero Blog